eBook for B2B Software Founders
Learn how to improve product execution
Are you building a leviathan or a dancing star?
Creating a product is hard. It's chaotic. But did you know that chaos can be good?
Of course, sometimes it's bad. Nietzsche once said "One must still have chaos inside oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." The test of any B2B software company is whether the team is embracing Nietzshean form of chaos vs the alternative.
Tolerating bad chaos is tempting. It creeps into your company slowly and without notice and leads to creating the leviathan; the manifestation of chaos.
The difference between birthing the dancing star vs the leviathan is extreme. One the one extreme, you have a company and a product and an economic engine. On the other hand, game over...
Golden Section has worked with 350+ B2B software companies since 2011. In addition, the Golden Section team has architected systems and applications that have scaled to millions of users and billions in transactions. This corpus of work has yielded this guide for enterprising founders.
In the book you will find:
- Common myths leading smart founders and teams to build a leviathan vs a dancing star
- Best practices for building a high performing team
- A way to get 40% of your R&D budget back to fuel your growth
- Checklists and processes to guide you on your journey
Learn from the group that has helped hundreds of founders scale their businesses. Dont fall for the common myths that trap so many founders.
In the 2019 SaaS Benchmark Survey, Openview Partners found that 56% of founders are concerned about product execution. It's easy to understand why! Product creation has always been mired in heuristics and evasive of benchmarking.
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Dougal Cameron
Dougal is a founder and the CEO and General Partner of Golden Section. Dougal has served as a founder, executive, CEO, turnaround CEO, and board member to several enterprise software companies.